Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Balancing Act. (Take 53... give or take)


Welcome to the inner workings of { ME }...  
My name is Joanna but most people know me as Joi (pronounced Joey, not Joy :yes, I is confusing:).  I am 36 years old, married and a mom of two, although I swear most days it feels like there is a small army of rabid monkey children running around this place.

I have struggled with balance all of my life, balancing my weight on the scale, balancing home & work, balancing family & friends, balancing every area of my life and always feeling like I'm coming up short or dropping everything in a chaotic crash. 

I, like many Moms out there, have a hard time making myself a priority.  Be it as simple as getting a haircut more often than once a year, to more serious things like my health.  I am striving for balance and allowing myself to realize that I can make myself a priority WITHOUT neglecting my kids, the house & my husband.

I have been overweight for as long as I can remember, topping the scales at over 100 lbs in 3rd grade and from there it has only escalated.  I hate the term yo-yo dieting, heck... I hate the word diet, in general, because I know for any lasting impact you need to make a permanent change.  I have come to realize that I can't do this on my own.  After countless attempts to improve my health, nothing has happened long term. Wait! No, I take that back... something has happened, I have gained more and more.  With every success I find myself hitting a plateau and inevitably gaining more weight back than I had even lost.  This one step forward, two steps back track record is ending now... I am done.

I know that food is my issue, I acknowledge that!  I know all the right things to do, to eat, the ways I need to exercise, everything that one needs to do in order to lead an active healthy life but I can not get it together to make it a reality. I get on a good roll and can maybe squeak off 20 lbs and then NOTHING! Progress completely stops.  I will switch things up but can not get past that point... It is beyond discouraging to know you are on point with your nutrition and are burning upwards of 800 calories a day and not making progress.

There is a bigger problem at play here than the simple calories in vs. calories out. I have done this battle for over 20 years and I don't think I can do this on my own anymore.   I feel I am at my breaking point, if I were to fail this current attempt and gain even more weight, my body literally will not be able to handle itself.

So over nearly a decade after my first serious consideration/attempt of taking surgical measures, I am hoping to put my tummy in the skilled hands of a surgeon.  I started the process of the doctor supervised regime of diet/exercise and even a variety of medications after my son was born nearly 9 years ago.  I was a good chunk of the way through my observation period, when my husband lost his job and we in turn, lost our health insurance. Boo!!!!  Not part of the plan...

I have an appointment with my doctor in a little over a week and I'm eager to see how this plays out.  If I can prove to myself and my doctor in my 6 month observation that I can do this on my own and be successful in the long term, FANTASTIC!  If not, I feel I am not only physically, but mentally and emotionally prepared to begin this new weight loss journey with a surgical twist.

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